JP Corry raises over £5,000 for Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

15 May 2018

JP Corry has raised over £5,000 for Cancer Focus Northern Ireland as part of the ‘Big Shops’ Showdown’, a one-day charity shop takeover challenge.

The Big Shops’ Showdown, organised by Business in the Community, encouraged business volunteers to step outside the office for a day in April, to take over the running of one of Cancer Focus NI’s charity shops. There was an element of friendly competition, with each team competing to raise as much money as possible, both on the day and in the run up to the challenge.

The results were revealed at a special celebration event on 11 May. JP Corry was delighted to win the award for best window display. Awards were also given for the best design for a Bag for Life, shop theme, and judge’s choice. The overall total raised for a Cancer Focus was an impressive £52’945.

Hilary Hanberry (centre), Communities Manager, Business in the Community and Rosie Foster (far right), Chief Executive, Cancer Focus NI (left) present Johnathan Moore, Laura Wray and Ryan Orr from JP Corry with their award.

Roisin Foster, Chief Executive, Cancer Focus NI, said: “We are absolutely thrilled with the results of the Big Shops’ Showdown. The fundraising total surpassed all of our expectations and we are extremely grateful for all the hard work that has gone into the fundraising at each shop. I’d like to say a big thank you to every company that took part. They have not only raised much-needed cash but they have also helped to raise awareness of the work that we do.”

“Every penny raised will stay here in Northern Ireland to provide vital support services for local people including family support, counselling, and art therapy for anyone affected by cancer, a NurseLine and a bra-fitting service for women who’ve had breast cancer.”

Andy Nisbet Friel, Communities Executive, Business in the Community, said: “We are really pleased with the results of the 2018 Big Shops’ Challenge. The companies involved are committed to doing business responsibly, and this employer supported volunteering challenge offers multiple benefits – enabling employees to take on and project manage the challenge, using their skills and wits to fundraise, get creative in managing and promoting ‘their’ shop and raising awareness of Cancer Focus NI’s services throughout Northern Ireland. It’s hard work but great fun and of course some healthy competition.”

JP Corry actively support their local communities by offering paid volunteering opportunities for staff in an effort to support local causes. To find out more about JP Corry's Corporate Social Responsibility activity click here.  
