JP Corry and EHA Racing join forces for upcoming International North West 200

08 May 2018

JP Corry is delighted to announce their partnership with EHA Racing for the upcoming International North West 200 from May 15 – 19.

Carrickfergus rider Alastair Seeley, who currently has 21 wins at the North Coast event, popped into JP Corry Springfield Road Belfast headquarters last week and was suitably impressed with the set-up, when he spoke to JP Corry's Managing Director, Ciaran McConnell.

“I know of JP Corry from their busy branch in my home town of Carrick, where I’ve called in from time to time for some tools and DIY material for my house,” smiled the double British champion.
“I’m also aware by my visit, that there’s quite a bit of history surrounding their company. With the team’s parent company EHA Group also a well-established Northern Ireland based business; it’s great to have JP Corry on-board for this year’s North West 200.

Ciaran Mc Connell, JP Corry Managing Director (L) with Alastair Seeley (R), EHA Racing

Ciaran McConnell, Managing Director, JP Corry Ireland, said of the venture“We’ve had the pleasure of working with EHA Racing on several occasions in the past, but being involved as the main partner at the North West 200 is an exciting step for us. They have a fantastic team with a lot of enthusiasm and passion, so we’re looking forward to partnering with them at this year’s race. 

As part of the partnership, we’ll be working together on a few different things, including a meet and greet event with Alastair at our Coleraine based branch later in the month. It’s an exciting time for both parties”

Gail Allingham, EHA Racing team manager added: “We are delighted to welcome JP Corry on-board as our major team partner for the upcoming event at the International North West 200, back on home soil in Northern Ireland.

Our core business at EHA Group involves a lot of interaction with JP Corry, so it’s fitting that they will join us on our return to the largest outdoor sporting event in Ireland. We trust Ciaran and his team will enjoy the experience and the addition profile at what is undoubtedly one Ireland’s most prominent sporting events on the calendar.” 

 Alastair Seeley, EHA Racing, takes a tour of the Springfield Road based branch

Come along and meet Alastair and the team at JP Corry’s Coleraine branch - H&T Bellas, 12-14 Mountsandel Road, during NW200 Race Week, on May 16th from 10am to 12pm. There will also be an opportutnity to win hospitality tickets to this year’s event.
