JP Corry Derrylin staff support suicide prevention in 'Darkness Into Light' walk

10 May 2017

On Saturday 6th May, a number of staff from JP Corry Derrylin took part in 'Darkness Into Light -Lisnaskea' to raise awareness of suicide prevention.

The walk started at 4.15am and saw over 1,450 people particaipate, showing their support in the fight against suicide. The team raised £120, helping to keep Pieta House's* services free to people who are in suicidal distress. 

*Pieta offers free counselling to those suffering from suicidal ideation, those who have been bereaved by suicide and people who are engaging in self-harm

Well done to everyone who took part!

JP Corry Derrylin staff from (L-R) Brian Gunn, Telesales, Donna Rasdale, Sales Representative and Ken Coulter, Branch Manager.
