COVID 19 Announcement - 16th August 2021

COVID 19 Announcement 

Dear Colleagues,

Firstly, I hope you and your families are safe and well at this time and have been able to enjoy the summer period.

There have been a number of changes to Covid-19 restrictions made by the NI Executive that have come into effect from today.

Primarily, what this means for us is that anyone who is a close contact of someone with Covid-19 no longer
requires to self-isolate for 10 days as long as they have been fully vaccinated (You are fully vaccinated if
it is more than 14 days since you received the second dose of an MHRA approved Covid-19 vaccine).

They will also have to undergo a PCR test on day 2 and day 8 of what would have been their isolation period.
If they test positive they must self-isolate, even if they do not have any symptoms of the disease.

The rollout of the vaccines does not, however, make us invincible. We must continue to follow the “new normal”
working practices that have been in place for your safety. We must display the correct behaviors and not become
Please remember these 3 points:

  • Hands: Good hygiene practices
  • Face: Face coverings inside Shops & offices (whilst away from your desk)
  • Space: 2m Social distancing (1m plus a face covering where closer proximity cannot be avoided)
PPE stock continues to be available and if there are any additional requirements needed please contact your line manager.

Thank you for your support and all your efforts. Please continue to look after yourselves and each other.

Ciaran McConnell
Managing Director
JP Corry
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